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Tag Archives: bacteria

Honey…nature’s wonder

Honey…nature’s wonder Honey has many properties that are widely used. In addition, honey contains substances Hydrogen peroxide and antioxidants have properties that can inhibit the growth of Bacteria too. So when we use honey on a wound, it can kill the bacteria and prevent the wound from

What symptoms indicate that the body is infected with tetanus?  

Tetanus is caused by infection from the bacteria Clostridium Tetani , which can be found in soil, dust , saliva , and animal waste , which is the cause of tetanus easily. The infection comes from contact with dirt while there is an open wound , such as a wound from a sharp object, abrasion , etc. , which directly affects the nervous system , causing muscles in the body to contract and other symptoms to follow, such as high fever , pain in the wound area, feeling sweaty, having difficulty breathing , etc. It is often