4 false beliefs About nutrition for school-age children

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4 false beliefs About nutrition for school-age children

School-age children between the ages of 6-12 years are preparing to enter a period of physical, emotional, social, intellectual and mental growth. Therefore, care must be taken that is appropriate for their age. In addition to taking care of the children’s environment so they are ready to learn about the world. Food is another important thing that will help strengthen children’s development so that they are ready to grow up completely. Report from ยูฟ่าเบท

Let’s look at some misconceptions. About what kind of food is given to children that has negative effects on school-aged children?

1. Eating only rice and lots of cooked meat is good.

The belief that children eat only rice and lots of cooked meat That it will increase children’s energy and make them have a stronger body may not be an accurate belief. Because eating only rice and meat may cause children to not receive complete nutrition. The child will receive only carbohydrates from rice and protein from meat.

So what additional nutrients do children still need?…The nutrients that children should receive from eating each day are as follows:

                   0 Carbohydrates That comes from food such as rice and flour.

                   The function of carbohydrates is to provide energy for the body to use in moving the body and doing various activities such as walking, running, exercising, etc. But if children receive more nutrients from carbohydrates than the body needs, it will become fat accumulated.

                   0 Proteins that come from meat, eggs, milk, dried beans and products

                   Protein helps children’s bodies grow. Helps strengthen muscles, tissues, and hormones to prepare for entering adolescence. The protein that school-age children should receive each day is 1-1.1 grams per 1 kilogram of body weight.

                   0 Vitamins and minerals Coming from fruits and vegetables

                   Vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients for a child’s growth and development. If these nutrients are not received, the child will not grow fully. Lack of nutrients will also make children sick easily.

                   0 Fats that come from vegetable fats and animal fats

                   Although the intake of this type of nutrient must be especially careful because fat is the cause of fat accumulation in the body. But children’s bodies still need fat for energy for daily living.

                   It can be seen that if you eat only rice and cooked meat, Will not receive vitamins and minerals that come from fruits and vegetables.

 2. Fast food can be eaten any time.

                   Nowadays, fast food (Food that has been dubbed “junk food”) has emerged in many forms, from restaurants to frozen meals that many families choose to feed their children during rush hour. As a result, children receive incomplete nutrition and also receive substances that are harmful to the child’s body in the long term. Therefore, there is a habit of eating fast food because it is more convenient. As a result, children eat larger amounts of food and cause children to become more easily obese.

                   In addition, fast food contains too much energy for the child’s body to use up. These foods also contain substances that are harmful to children’s bodies, such as preservatives, animal growth accelerators, etc.

                  0 Junk food affects memory and learning

                   School-age children are in a period when their bodies and thinking systems are highly developed. They will be excited and remember new things. found in life all the time But children at this age being exposed to a large amount of harmful substances from junk food will have a negative effect on the child’s thinking and memory system. which in addition to affecting the brain system to work at its full potential It also affects children in terms of emotions and long-term health.

3. Eat sweets after meals.

                   Many parents of school-aged children often persuade their children to eat by using sweet treats after meals as a lure. Get children into the habit of eating so they can eat sweets after the meal. These sweets are another danger to children if eaten frequently or in large quantities. Children are addicted to sweet tastes, which causes them to want to eat sweets more often or to like sweeter foods more.

                   What follows from children’s frequent eating of sweets That is, it will cause tooth decay and may cause obesity. In addition to affecting the physical condition, it also affects the emotional side of the child causing hyperactivity. It’s easier to get angry and irritable as well.

 4. Vitamin supplements can replace main foods.

                   Many school-age children are starting to have more picky eating habits, and many choose not to eat fruits and vegetables. Many parents therefore choose to give their children vitamin supplements to replace the vitamins they don’t get from fruits and vegetables. directly When children receive vitamin supplements for a long period of time, it can affect the internal organs, which can be harmful to the child. It is best to instill children to eat fresh fruits and vegetables from an early age to provide a variety of natural vitamins. It has helped in the growth of children and helps in preventing disease.

What vitamins and minerals should school-aged children receive?


                   It is important for strengthening bones and teeth. If you lack calcium, your bones will not be strong. Cramping and slow growth Food sources of calcium include soybeans, milk and milk products. small fish, green leafy vegetables


                   It is important for the growth of the whole body and brain and helps in the creation of red blood cells. Makes the body’s performance good Not easily tired If children lack iron, it will cause anemia and affect their learning potential. Food sources of iron include liver, blood, animal organs, and egg yolks.


                   It is important for the production of thyroid hormones. Helps stimulate the nervous system and brain to grow normally. If there is a lack of iodine, children will have slower brain development, goiter, and stunted bodies. Food sources containing iodine include seafood, seaweed, and fish.


                   It is important for children’s growth. Zinc works with protein. If a child lacks zinc, it will cause the child to have short stature. Zinc is found in meat, seafood, fish, eggs, bitters and dark green vegetables.

                   Vitamin A

                   It is important for children’s vision. Cell growth and immune system If vitamin A is lacking It makes you unable to see in dim light, also known as night blindness. Food sources where vitamin A is found include liver, eggs, milk, dark green and yellow-orange fruits and vegetables, such as gourd, pumpkin, carrots, and mango.

                   Vitamin B1

                   Important in helping to burn carbohydrates. If a child lacks vitamin B1, it will cause beriberi. Food sources containing vitamin B1 include pork, brown rice, peanuts, soybeans, and sesame.

                   Vitamin B2

                   It is important in addition to helping in the metabolism of carbohydrates. It also helps burn fat and protein. Helps promote the nervous system, skin, eyes and helps prevent cell damage. A lack of vitamin B2 will result in a sore throat. Lips can become inflamed and can form canker sores. Food sources containing vitamin B2 include meat, organ meats, eggs, and milk.

                   Vitamin C

                   It is important for the immune system. Inhibits the creation of carcinogenic substances Antioxidants If vitamin C is lacking, it will cause loss of appetite, anxiety, mood swings, slow healing of wounds, or bleeding gums. “Scurvy” The source of vitamin C comes from many types of vegetables and fruits, including guava, gooseberry, orange, jackfruit, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, etc.