Food poisoning from Cyanide in cassava.

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Benefits of cassava: Cassava heads, young shoots and leaves can be eating as food, such as roasted cassava, steamed cassava, or fresh or blanch young shoots can be eating with chili paste.

Although it is beneficial, consuming cassava in the wrong way can cause harm: Cassava contains resistant starch, or starch that is resistant to digestion by enzymes in the small intestine. It acts like dietary fiber that passes through the large intestine, which helps improve the digestive system.

Cassava or another name tapioca plant is cassava. The root is rich in carbohydrates which provide energy to the body. It has Vit. A, B and C, low protein, and provides a lot of dietary fiber. The leaves are high in protein and vitamin. Sweet cassava is less toxic than bitter cassava. If eaten raw, the digestive system will absorb the poison. ยูฟ่าเบท Cyanide is not recommended to be eating raw because cyanide is in the root as Hydrocyanic acid or prussic acid, accumulating on the surface of Cassava. This type of cyanide is the cause of Cyanogens.

The poison from the cassava root is in the peel and if it is not cook properly, it will be toxic if it is not cook. When preparing, remove the peel. It should be crush and dug before cooking, then the poison will come out. Boiling, especially the roots, should be boiled for 30-40 minutes and then discard the boiling water. If it is a leaf, boil for more than 10 minutes. If the leaves are old, boil for longer. Cassava roots are use for cooking, making flour, jam, sweet potatoes, soup, sauce and cake.  

Poisoning If raw cassava is eating, the head, roots and leaves are poisonous and can be fatal. This is because cytochrome glycosides affect the heart and blood vessels, causing less oxygen to enter brain cells. If a plant containing this substance is eating fresh, it can cause vomiting, shortness of breath, convulsions, muscle weakness and difficulty breathing. In very severe cases, the breath will smell like cyanide and can cause death. Acute poisoning symptoms include dizziness, headache, stomachache, vomiting and diarrhea. Generally, there are 2 main symptoms: Konzo and Tan symptoms.

Konzo syndrome, meaning tied legs, is a sudden paralysis of both legs in children and women of childbearing age. It occurs after working or walking for a long time, or after sleeping at night. It is a disease cause by a defect in the control of upper nervous movement. Half of patients are unable to stand or walk again. 

A condition call Tan (Tropical ataxic neuropathy) cause by Cassava poisoning has been known for over a century in many countries of Africa, the West Indies, and Asia. The illness is gradual and long-term, affecting poor men and women between the ages of 50 and 60 and not children under 10. In poor people who consume it repeatedly, symptoms of poisoning include numbness, abnormal sensations, blurred vision, loss of vision, loss of balance, deafness, and withered legs. 

However, there is no concern in eating these vegetables and fruits if they are wash thoroughly and cook to the highest temperature. Whether boile, bake, fried, roasted or dried, they can be consum as usual. Meanwhile, cassava flour itself goes through a manufacturing process such as milling after removing the shell. Which reduces the amount of cyanide to a level that is not harmful to consumption.